Incohérence (Laetitia Laguzet) France ・ Sanaa, Seductress of Strangers (Jan Eilhardt) Germany ・ Keep your hair on! (Kinga Anna Garncarz) Poland ・ Ave Quinn (John Watson) Canada ・ Tutt Jones - Manic Episode (Daffy London) USA ・ Hema (Kianoosh Mohammadi & Rozhano Arjomand) Iran
17:20 Intermission 休憩 (15分)
17:35 DUTCH SHORTS : HUMAN CONNECTION オランダの短編アニメ上映 (日本語字幕)
Wow (Faiyaz Jafri) ・ JUH JEE JUH BOO BOO (Waldemar Schuur) ・ Zanokov Redux (Maurice De Bruijne) ・ The Spirit is Willing but The Flesh is Furry (Valentina Gal)
17:55 Intermission 休憩 (15分)
PARTY OF THE APOCALYPSE : Cinema Preview (Fay Heady, Future Cartoons) Netherlands/Japan
18:20 Intermission 休憩 (10分)
The Draft (Yummy Films) France ・ The Past (Hamid Mohammadi) Iran ・ Malakout (Farnoosh Abedi) Iran ・ Let's be friends (Arno Coenen & Rodger Werkhoven) Netherlands
Supported by
the Embassy of the
Kingdom of the Netherlands
-Poster by Andres Arrazola Castillo & Future Cartoons-
an international programme celebrating unusual animation & film from the Netherlands as well as Japan, Canada, Iran, France, Germany, USA, Poland, UK, Costa Rica, Italy & Austria. Also featured is a special cinema preview of the new Japanese/Dutch collaboration "Party of the Apocalypse", currently in production by Future Vision Osaka and Stichting Future Vision Amsterdam, together with Dutch animators who are participating in Future Vision's Artist in Residency programme in Japan. This event will also see the release of a new Future Vision Zine, Future Vision Arcade Games, LIVE performance, DJ/VJ and related broadcasts on SALTO Television in Amsterdam and on our website
世界中から集まった異色の短編アニメ映画祭を開催!(参加国/オランダ、日本、カナダ、イラン、フランス、ドイツ、アメリカ、ポーランド、イギリス、コスタリカ、イタリア、オーストリア)日本とオランダによる共同合作アニメ【Party of the Apocalypse】の会場試写会も行います。この作品は【Future Vision Osaka】と【Stichting Future Vision Amsterdam】そして、オランダを- 中心としたアニメーター達の協力によって日- 本国内にて鋭意制作進行中です。会場では新作- 漫画の配布、オリジナルゲームのプレイ体験、ライブパフォーマンスなどもお楽しみいただけます。イベントの様子はオランダのテレビ番組【SALTO】やウェブサイト【】でも放送予定です。
-Promo animation by Tom Brebion & Future Cartoons-
Fri Oct 25th from 19:00 (Open from 18:00)
10月25日(金)19時~ (OPEN 18時)
無料!No Charge
大阪市浪速区戎本町1丁目1-14, OSAKA 556-0013
1 minute walk from 今宮戎駅 Imamiyaebisu Station
19:00 ~ 19:30 DUTCH SHORTS : HUMAN CONNECTION オランダの短編アニメ上映 (日本語字幕) Melk (Niek de Leeuw) ・ Wow (Faiyaz Jafri) ・ JUH JEE JUH BOO BOO (Waldemar Schuur) ・ Cupid into Transmutation (Dexter J.Boldewijn) ・ Zanokov Redux (Maurice De Bruijne) ・ The Spirit is Willing but The Flesh is Furry (Valentina Gal)
19:45 ~ 20:15 INTERNATIONAL SHORTS 国際短編アニメ (日本語字幕) FROGSPORN (Rosanna Verdon-Roe) UK ・ Discoteque (Masashi Yamamoto) USA/Japan ・ Incohérence (laetitia Laguzet) France ・ Sanaa, Seductress of Strangers (Jan Eilhardt) Germany ・ Keep your hair on! (Kinga Anna Garncarz) Poland ・ Pheromones (Mansi Maheshwari) UK ・ Ave Quinn (John Watson) Canada ・ Tutt Jones - Manic Episode (Daffy London) USA ・ Hema (Kianoosh Mohammadi & Rozhano Arjomand) Iran
20:30 ~ 20:45 PARTY OF THE APOCALYPSE (日本語字幕) PARTY OF THE APOCALYPSE : Cinema Preview (Fay Heady, Future Cartoons) Netherlands/Japan
Supported by
the Embassy of the
Kingdom of the Netherlands
今後、 発表していく!
フォローしてを ♥
We would like to extend our huge thanks to
The Embassy of The Kingdom of The Netherlands for their generosity in supporting Future Vision Festival.
Thank you also, Egbert de Ruiter for support and advice, and students of
HKU (Utrecht University of the Arts) in The Netherlands for allowing us to screen
a wonderful programs of animated short films by up and coming future visionaries from the Dutch animation world over the years.
Deep thanks go to Professor Tatsutoshi Nomura of Tama Art University Tokyo (Mr Gon), for his support, guidance, words of wisdom, talent and for his valued contribution to the world of animation.
Love and thanks to Joris van de Sande, Anna de Boer and the wonderful people at SALTO television for being home to Future Vision Amsterdam. See you all in the FUTURE...future...future...